Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's a Morph Thing!

My boredom made me do crazy things like morphing.  Haven't you heard of this? Well, according to the World Dictionary, MORPHING means a computer technique used for graphics and in films, in which one image is gradually transformed into another image without individual changes being noticeable in the process.  I'm not a graphic artist who can do this amazing thing but there is this website who can help you morph any faces of the universe, including you  and your partner.  The steps is as easy as ABC and the instructions are straightforward enough to be understood even by an idiot.  You just need to upload clear pictures of people you want to morph. In my case, of course, I morphed my picture with my husband's to see how our virtual baby looks like.

Tsada!!! Say hello to our baby Chelsea Margeruite Knuttel. Isn't she lovely? Just ignore the orb-like thing, though. ;-) So, what are you waiting for? Go and morph your baby! ;-)